Monday, August 20, 2007

Spirulina Enhances Cardiovascular Health And Helps Lower Cholesterol

Spirulina enhances your cardiovascular health and helps to lower your cholesterol. It seems that this superfood is taking over and can help improve overall health in so many ways.

The increase in people taking dietary supplements to support their health is astonishing. In the past 10 years the numbers have grown significantly. If you want to help enhance your cardiovascular health and help lower your cholesterol then Spirulina can help.

If you are taking a dietary supplement then I strongly recommend that you switch to taking spirulina. Scientists have confirmed that spirulina contains cholesterol lowering benefits and also improves heart artery functions which helps to lower blood pressure.

Specific studies have also been carried out in Japan and India on men. These studies proved that several grams of spirulina taken daily can lower cholesterol. The studies have shown the spirulina helps to reduce LDL Cholesterol which is the bad cholesterol and raise HDL cholesterol which is the good cholesterol. This is really great news for those looking to lower their cholesterol.

More human studies have been carried out in Germany and India and both found that spirulina also has weight reduction properties along with cholesterol lowering effects. Again more great news. Now you can lose weight and lower your cholesterol at the same time.

These studies prove that spirulina really is a great supplement not only for cardiovascular health but for cholesterol lowering and weight loss too.

Why not start taking spirulina today.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Spirulina Helps To Balance And Strenghten The Immune System

If you are into scientific theories then you know that according to science the main directive of our body's metabolism is to help to support our immune system. When the body's immune system is suffering, stressed, or under attack, it will draw on the body's metabolic energy to help out.

Spirulina has been proven to be an immune regulating food and for people that suffer from an immune system imbalance spirulina can make a big difference. These people will often feel chronic fatigue and have low energy and spriulina can help to alleviate this.

Just by taking small amounts of spirulina on a daily basis, you have help to balance and stabilize your immune system. This in turn frees up more of your metabolic energy which can then be used for vitality, healing, and the assimilation of nutrients. This is why people who take spirulina will tell you that they have more energy.

How does Spirulina strengthen the immune system?

People who take spirulina will tell you that they very seldom catch colds and if they do they are not severe. They will also tell you that their wounds heal quicker too. They have more energy and find that they can fight off illness much quicker than before. They put it down to spirulina.

Spirulina is in fact a powerful tonic for your immune system and medical scientists have proven that spirulina not only stimulates the immune system but that it actually enhances enhances the body's ability to generate new blood cells. Studies also showed an increase in activity in many other areas of the body too including the spleen, bone marrow stem cells, T-cells and natural killer cells.

Spirulina also increases resistance to disease and this has been proven in animals. Scientists have also discovered that a purified extract that is unique to spirulina actually inhibits the replication of HIV-1, Herpes, Influenza, Mumps and Measles virus in-vitro yet is very safe for human cells.

This is great news and research into this superfood is continuing.

If you want to increase your resistance to disease, strengthen your immune system, and boost your energy levels, why not start taking spirulina now.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

The Health Benefits Of Spirulina

Spirulina truly is an amazing food. It contains a lot of protein and protein is vital in order for the body to survive. In fact, most of our bodily functions cannot take place without protein. Spirulina contains three times more protein by weight than beef. The protein in Spirulina is also more digestible than that of beef, which means that you take more of it into your system. Spirulina also contains complete protein, which is all eight essential amino acids. Our bodies produce amino acids, but there are eight that the body cannot make and these need to be obtained from the foods we eat. Red meat is the main source of these so for vegetarians Spirulina could be classified as a gift.

Spirulina contains vitamin B12, and since it is a plant, of course it is a vegetarian source. B12 deficiency has been linked to low bone mineral density, forgetfulness and cognitive problems. B12 if found mainly in red meat so again spirulina is great for vegetarians.

Spirulina contains the second highest amount of GLA available. GLA is gamma linolenic acid. This is an essential fatty acid. GLA is essential for babies and it helps the brain grow and build new connections. It also enhances the immune system. Spirulina is a great source of GLA and can be taken by both adults and children.

Spirulina also contains chlorophyll and beta-carotene which are powerful antioxidants. They help support the immune system and may have anti-cancer effects. Spirulina is also an excellent source of calcium.

You should try to think of spirulina as food, not pills or medicine. You can take it whole or as capsules on a daily basis. If you are ill you can increase your dosage.

Give spirulina a try. I believe you will find that it will improve your health and support your efforts at healthy living.